Chambre d'hôtes " Côté Parc " Read the review of our hosts on Google Maps and
Avenue des Gloires Nationales, 17 |
sarà tradotto in italiano nel prossimo futuro | ||
North-West of Brussels, 4 kilometers only from Grand Place, downtown, and 2 minutes walk from metro station Simonis.
"Côté Parc" is a charming suite of two rooms magnificently decorated, at first floor of a 1913 "Maison de Maître". It is composed of a spacious living room offering a wonderful view on Park Elisabeth, close to the Basilique of Koekelberg, and a splendid bedroom (côté jardin), furnished with a King size Victorian bed. This room opens to a small outside terrace where you can relax. A retro style bathroom is available, just for you. You will find all the desired comfort (cable television, wifi, etc.)
Gorgeous breakfast served in the downstairs living room - homemade bread, yogurts and jam - Brigitte and Michel will welcome you warmly. |
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